Monday, July 25, 2011

"I can't come up with a good design!" how to methodically come up with unique designs when you are stuck.

How many times have you sat in your design space feeling like you just can't come up with anything good? You have all your materials in front of you, but the ideas just aren't coming. I am going to show you a way to come up with something great and original, completely without the aid of looking at other peoples designs. You will need a couple sheets of paper, a pen or pencil, scissors, and a book or magazine with pictures.
 Step 1. Trace around your cab or focal bead onto a plain piece of paper.  Step 2. cut out the shape from the inside of the shape leaving a hole in the paper the size and shape of the stone you intend to use. This will become your view-finder and help you find your inspiration.
3. find a book or magazine and open to a page with a picture on it. It really can be any random picture. 4. Move the viewfinder around the page until you see lines and shapes that inspire you. When you have decided on a spot you really like, use painter's tape to lightly hold the view-finder in place.
5. The next thing you want to do is sketch the design and plan it. Use your cab to trace the stone shape for you sketch. Use the lines in the view-finder to inform your sketch. plan how many wires you are going to use, where you are going to bind the wires, and how you are going to keep the stone in place from the back side as well. I chose to draw them in lightly. Write any notes that will be a helpful guide in your design process. This sketch is just that...a sketch. You can modify your plan in your final piece if you like. There are no rules. The point of going through this process was to come up with something original and get you out of the creative block you were in. I modified my design in that I didn't have a rectangle Czech glass bead, so I used a round metal one. I also decided that a woven bail would be too busy for this design, so I made a normal bail. Then I added my signature, the spirals. This is a no-fail process. I never would have made this piece if I hadn't intended to write this blog article. Now I have a new design that I can expand on in other pieces. You can do this too. I would encourage everyone to try it. Happy creating!


  1. that is a wonderful idea! thank you for sharing.

  2. What a great article! You are so creative, and such a terrific writer!

  3. What an amazingly original idea! Sometimes that rut is just, well, a deep rut. Thanks!

  4. That's great inspiration...thanks for the terrific ideas That's were I've been lately...deep, deep in a rut! And just a few months before a huge show too!!

  5. Very cool! I often find inspiration in an item, but can't quite capture what it is I'm really attracted to. Great technique to kinda narrow it down and see the elements you like.

  6. You are a blessing, Dawn! Thank you!

  7. Thank you for this article! It is not just a lesson about "How to..." it is an alert which can try to tell us "the inspiration is closer to you, just open your mind.."

  8. I have to say, this post is brilliant. :)

  9. Thank you for a BRILLIANT solution to everyone's (well, mine anyway) recurring problem!!
