Monday, December 15, 2008

Yummy Copper Jewelry

End of a Long Road 2, forged pendant by Vagabond Jewelry
Egyptian Cuff copper chainmaille with hand made glass cartouche beads by Redcrow at Corvus Chainmaille
Pretty Pearl Pod Necklace, electroformed seed pod with set pearl, by Tigerlilly Shop
You are probably thinking to yourself, "Yes, it is!" These featured artists are part of a Flickr Group Pool called Yummy Copper Jewelry. Last week, I was invited to join the group pool, and am so excited. The artists in the group do beautiful work. It is an honor to be included. Plus, what could possibly be better than copper?! Check out the whole photostream. And go back often. New jewelry is added to the group frequently.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Thanks for showcasing the group! What a nice surprise for me today :)

