Welcome to Cello Carrots! All about jewelry and the creative habit. Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Welcome to Cello Carrots the craft blog
Hi gang! So, I start this blog and so far have done nothing with it. I have had a crazy bout of brochitis, and that has put a damper on my excitement (and my ability to create an original thought).
I have many people to thank for the encourgement and support I needed to boldly put my right foot forward and start my business, create a website, and this blog.
The biggest support has been Dave, who was there from the very beginning, when I made my first pair of earrings from old cut up jewelry, and has contibuted generously when I have needed a hand to move forward in my craft. To Steve, who has held my hand through the technical aspects of my business, and to both he and his wife June, who have listened to me talk endlessly of beads, and wires, and customers, and shows, and never let on that they might be bored to tears.
To Paul, for giving me the kick in the butt I needed to do my first show and put myself out there, and for believing in me as an artist. To Allison Lee for Craftcast. Listening to Allison and the guests she has on her show has given me a sense of community with other artists making a living in crafts. I have recieved volumes of practical information and inspiration listening to Craftcast.
To Kandace for always encouraging me in every creative venture I have explored, and given me unwavering support. To all the ladies at the Library. Without you, I would not now be achieving my dreams. A million thank yous could never be enough. And to my mother, who taught me to craft as early as I can remember. She taught me that fine craftsmanship is everything, even if no one appreciates it.
In the coming days, as I recover from the brochitis, I will be adding fun stuff to the blog. Keep your eyes peeled for my website dawnblairjewelry(dot)com. I should have a photo gallery up within a month and be open for business shortly thereafter.
Okay gang! Start posting, and please share with your friends! I would love to see your craft projects and links to cool websites. Let the fun begin!
I can't wait to see your website when it is all finished! It looks awesome already.